A selection of my work. If you want to see a piece more closely, click on it.
Foraging, Painting, Playing
Finding fallen beauty on woodland and park walks with my toddler son has changed my practice. Being with oft-overlooked bits of nature fires my curiousity. I’ve been combining them with natural pigments and milk paint, working sculpturally and with shadow too.
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Fallen Treasures
Fallen leaves collected on an in-between-houses stay at our parents’ places in the South East of England. Some are from a park in Addlestone, Surrey, some from the streets of Otford, Kent and others from a day out at Winkworth Arboretum. All were brought home on an 8-hour train ride to Cornwall and photographed on my windwsill during a beautifully bright December morning.
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Toxin-free coloured joy.
Moving to Cornwall and changing my art process over to using natural pigments and hand-made milk paint released such joy. These colours were the result…
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Sea and Sky
I am endless fascinated, grounded, renewed and heartened by looking out to sea. It’s one of the reasons I love living in Cornwall so much. The light heals me; the colour and shapes inspire me. Here’s a few shots of sea and sky-scapes that I’ve captured using my iPhone 5 camera.
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Early Work
I started painting for the first time a few months before my 40th birthday. I’d just been through one of the most challenging times of my life. I stumbled across the work of Flora Bowley on Instragram and fell in love with the colour and freedom. I signed up for her e-course, Bloom True. There, I learnt about acrylic paints and how to create without an end in mind; intuitively. 6 months after beginning, I sold all my acrylics and started experimenting with natural pigments (from minerals and rocks) and home-made paint. The pieces you see here come from my first year of painting.
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